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Even the system-swallowing rampages of the Ork Waaaghs! can be broken and scattered beyond recovery by the Watch Companies of this hidden order. No alien foe is beyond their reach — if the terrors of the xenos races know fear at all, they know it best in the jet-black form of the Deathwatch Space Marine. With every Imperial world engaged in the all-out war for survival, scant forces can be spared to look to the countless xenos invasions still taking place. So must the Deathwatch fight harder than ever, standing alone against overwhelming odds and holding back tides of enemies that might otherwise overrun worlds already beset by traitor foes.
The two organisations frequently work side by side, both on the battlefield and in the strategium. The two organisations do not always see eye to eye. Inquisitors are accorded a great deal of autonomy, and the more radical members of their order have been known to treat with the alien in order to defeat a greater threat. The extreme reaction this engenders in the Deathwatch, who are by nature of a more puritan bent, has led to bloodshed on more than one occasion. Such situations are rare, however, for both organisations ultimately serve the Imperium in its endless wars against the alien menace. Just as the Adeptus Astartes are recruited only from the most promising warriors of all Mankind, the Chapter is formed from only the most talented and lethal of proven battle-brothers.
This makes it a force truly like no other. The Deathwatch is organised into small elite companies, much in the style of a Space Marine Chapter. Its numbers are not recruited from a single home world, however, nor from trusted source planets rich in quality genetic stock. Instead the organisation is comprised of Space Marines from Chapters that have pledged to tithe a portion of their strength to the war against the alien. Its ranks number only heroes, and each of them had already proven himself an expert alien hunter even before his training as a Deathwatch operative began. Should a battle-brother consistently excel in the slaughter of the alien, he will invariably come to the notice of the officers of his Chapter. Most commonly it is the Captain of his company that vouches for his skill in combat against the alien, his Apothecary that attests to his impeccable physical ability, and his Chaplain that weighs his strength of character and the sanctity of his soul.
Most of the Chapters in the Imperium will despatch a brother chosen to join the Deathwatch after a ceremony to mark his departure. The Dark Angels Chapter sends him on his way under an oath of secrecy, reminding him that he must never speak of hidden truths. Regardless of Chapter, the occasion is always a solemn one. All know in their hearts they will likely never see their brother again — he will join the front line in the war against the alien as a martyr to the cause. Upon arrival at the watch fortress that will become his new home, the Deathwatch recruit begins a punishing regime of physical and mental conditioning that takes him to the peak of efficacy.
He may have faced dozens of alien species in his former life, but thousands more haunt the dark reaches of the galaxy. So it is that when he comes to battle an alien he previously considered unknown, its weak spots and vulnerabilities rise unbidden to the forefront of his mind. Once a Space Marine has completed his training, any former rank he may have held is put aside, and he is assigned to a squad known as a Kill Team. Each of these groups is a band of disparate battle-brothers taken from as many as ten different Chapters, all of whom have their own cultures, specialities and insights into the arts of war.
This can lead to friction and rivalry as personalities clash and spark against one another, but the members of the team share the same core ideals, and have sworn the same vows — to defend Mankind no matter the cost. The Space Marines that fight together in these Kill Teams inevitably bond in adversity. Every team learns to respect and even rely upon its differing methods and abilities. By the time the Kill Team plunges into the white heat of battle, it has been forged into a weapon far stronger than the sum of its parts. As any swordsmith knows, the finest blades are made of many layers, and must be folded together, beaten, and tempered before they can be considered masterpieces of their craft. It is just so with the Deathwatch Kill Team; each squad is a unique and exceptional weapon whose edge has been honed so finely it can topple an alien empire with a single well-placed strike.
Known as Black Shields, these mysterious warriors do not divulge their true name, nor do they bear the heraldry of their Chapter. Any icons, colours and scripts that would identify them have long been scoured from their armour, and they gladly don the sombre colours of the Deathwatch. Though the occasion is infrequent indeed, a Black Shield that enters a watch fortress will petition its master to accept him. The Watch Commander has the right to turn him away, but the might of an experienced Space Marine is so valuable, and the fight against the xenos so desperate, that in practice this rarely occurs.
What caused the hooded warrior to take this drastic step will remain unknown, and within the Deathwatch there is a tacit understanding that the question will forever remain unasked. Some may be the remnants of a Chapter all but destroyed in the line of duty, others may be the last loyal warriors of a Chapter who have turned renegade, or even those legendary few lost in time — those who would be instantly executed were their former allegiance known. Regardless of origin, all fight with a grim and stubborn fury to prove their loyalty to the Imperium once more. The supernatural strength and toughness of his genetic legacy are potent indeed, but these are far from his only weapons. The finest wargear the Imperium can provide lines the reliquaries of each watch fortress. Though many of these artefacts are the work of the Adeptus Mechanicus, not even the Tech-Priests of the machine cult know of their true number.
The act of innovation is tantamount to heresy in the rest of the Imperium, but it is not forbidden within the Deathwatch. With every new war the Chapter reassesses and fine-tunes its mission tactics, and its equipment is subjected to the same rigorous scrutiny. The weapons the Deathwatch bear to war are painstakingly engineered, customised and auto-sanctified to be the bane of specific alien foes. Even heavy weaponry and the guns of strike craft can be set to fire different ammunition types depending on their target. This is a necessary measure, for Kill Teams rarely know the exact composition of the enemies they will be facing, and consider versatility a weapon unto itself. With a small arsenal of military assets at his command, a member of the Deathwatch can theoretically crush any breed of foe. The suits of power armour found in the Deathwatch are amongst the finest of their kind. Many are so ancient and well respected they bear names of antiquity, such as Iron Sanctum or the Pride of Lord Varicco.
There is no uniformity enforced upon this order save the Chapter colours — the only real dogma is that the battle-brother maximises his own effectiveness in the field. It is not uncommon to find a Kill Team where each member bears a different suite of weapons. The icon of the Deathwatch is worn proudly by all Deathwatch battlebrothers upon their left shoulder guard. Their war vaults contain everything from oversized thunder hammers designed to slay alien giants to stasis bombs that use time itself as a weapon. Some even contain doomsday warheads that can destroy worlds — though rarely used, the Deathwatch understand that the loss of a single planet must sometimes be accepted to prevent the unbridled expansion of a xenos infection. Since the addition of Primaris Space Marines to the ranks of the Deathwatch, further tools of destruction have been added to their arsenal. Bolt rifles, plasma incinerators and howling gatling cannons add long-range heavy firepower to mow down the xenos hordes.
Meanwhile, assault bolters and flamestorm gauntlets tear the aliens apart at point-blank range. With such potent weaponry at their disposal, the Deathwatch can wreak more havoc on their foes than ever before. Handcrafted by munitions-artificers and thrice-blessed in fonts of holy water, certain shells are worth as much as an Imperial city. To waste even a single such round would be a gross sin, and the Deathwatch ensure that every shot they fire counts. Chapter icon When a battle-brother ritually repaints his colours to those of the Deathwatch, he keeps his former Chapter icon upon his right shoulder guard, as a mark of honour to the Chapter that fashioned him into a warrior of such veteran skill. Mk VIII battle-plate 3. Artifex pattern bolter The Mk VIII armour used by the Deathwatch is a latter-day design, but provides just as much strength and agility as its predecessors.
Some suits bear backpackmounted auspicator lenses to improve data prescience. The artifex pattern bolter is amongst the most potent of its kind. Fitted with multispectral augur lenses, a silacharibdis shot selector and a gene-grip bioveritor, its warlike spirit responds only to its rightful owner. Kraken bolts are fashioned around an adamantium core that lends them additional weight and stopping power. These shells can punch through even the thickest xenos hides. As their name suggests, Vengeance rounds were developed for use against the Traitor Legions. Their unstable plasma cores are equally lethal against elite xenos warriors, however. Hellfire rounds house a crystalline reservoir of tailored bio-corrosives that rapidly dissolve xenos abominations from the inside out. Iconography The heraldic icon of the Deathwatch shares its origin with that of the Inquisition — theirs too is the duty of constant vigilance, merciless judgement, and excruciation of those who would do harm to the Imperium.
Dragonfire bolts are highly pressurised metal shells that contain a violently combustible gas. Designed to detonate in pyrotechnic air bursts, these shells make a mockery of cover and slaughter lightly armoured foes en masse. The Watch Commander — usually a Watch Master — is attended by a strategium staff of Librarians, Chaplains, Apothecaries and Dreadnoughts, whilst his Techmarines are entrusted with rule of the Armoury, and his Watch Captains with the leadership of four largely independent Kill Teams. Though the greater structure of a watch fortress is traditionally kept sacrosanct, the teams under a Watch Captain are flexible in the extreme. In times of war against a transparent threat, some may be specialised towards combating a particular breed or even rank of xenos.
This may result in battle-brothers moving from one Kill Team to another, or may lead to entire Kill Teams of the same type of specialists, such as Aggressors or Bikers, being fielded. It is rare for Kill Teams to be kept cohesive for long, though there are those whose histories have spanned the centuries, forming bonds of brotherhood so strong they are counted amongst the foremost assets of the Chapter. All teams can adopt more specialist configurations at the behest of its leader, but when the nature of the enemy is unknown, it is common for Kill Teams to utilise Aquila tactics, a wide-spectrum offensive pattern capable of adapting to overcome any obstacle. Overall command is entrusted to Watch Master Mordelai, a humourless and extremely efficient proponent of Malleus war doctrine, who has the long-standing trust of Marneus Calgar himself.
Some are only a few centuries old, formed in response to emergent xenos threats. Others have legends that span millennia, their oaths of vigilance and ancient heraldry borne upon proud standards in their Sanctum Bellicos. Heraldry of the Honoured Talasa Prime is the capital training world of the Deathwatch — not just a space station, but a whole planet sited in the realm of Macragge. The Praefex Venatoris keep watch over a string of alien portals used by the Commorrite Aeldari in the Segmentum Obscurus. Their forces are constantly on hair-trigger alert, for they must move fast if they are to save the teeming human worlds of Syracia Thrive from alien piracy. Its web of informants crosses the Segmentum Solar, and its warp drives are kept hot. Fort Pykman favours Malleus tactics; it stands ready to demolish ancient sites should there be even a flicker of suspicion they are linked to tomb worlds or alien worldnests. Furor Shield monitors the Ork-held Octarius Sector, into which Kryptman of the Ordo Xenos misdirected a tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan.
Both Tyranids and Orks adapt under duress — when the victor of this ever-escalating war emerges, the Shield stands ready to slay them. Its Kill Teams specialise in vertical assault. Dominatus teams will often strike from Corvus Blackstars to turn one-sided firefights into bloody melees. The Ties that Bind THE TIES THAT BIND Each Kill Team is selected with utmost care. The battle-brothers of the Deathwatch are exceptional individuals taken from Chapters across the galaxy. In this diversity and fund of experience lies great strength. Once a Kill Team has fought together long enough to share the full extent of this knowledge, it will often be disbanded, its members assembled into different Kill Teams to learn anew. Deathwatch officers will invariably choose the members of their Kill Team in order to draw on as much relevant experience as possible. With different Chapters having long-standing specialisations, it is easy enough to identify who will have the most relevant insights in a given circumstance.
In matters of how best to launch a close assault, a Sternguard Veteran of the Imperial Fists will likely yield to the advice of a Vanguard Veteran from the Blood Angels Chapter, whereas in the defence of a bastion complex, it will almost certainly be the other way around. Over time, however, these instances of conflict lead to mutual respect or even firm friendship. Kill Teams are borne to their allocated war zones by onyx-coloured Strike Cruisers. These magnificent warships operate out of the watch fortresses, using their warp engines to ply the cursed tides of the empyrean in order to reach their target as swiftly as possible. The Navigators that steer them are amongst the best in the Imperium, as are the Astropaths that provide the psychic link back to their base of operations. So it is that the Deathwatch slip through the sea of stars like stilettos cutting through silk — silent and swift until the time comes to stab at the heart of a xenos empire.
It is just as well, for if even a single Deathwatch vessel misses its mark, it could spell disaster — with that failure, a swathe of Imperial space could be ceded to the alien, never to be recovered. They have stymied alien invasions, cleansed infested space-fleets, and even hunted the denizens of hostile planets to extinction. In the process, some necessarily become specialised in the persecution of a particular type of enemy. This has proven an invaluable tactic against fast-moving xenos hosts ever since. It was Kill Team Brontos that first codified Malleus tactics. When breaking the Tyranid war-monstrosities infesting Rakkor IX, Captain Brontos and his men rode to war in a Land Raider whose godhammer pattern lascannons claimed three Carnifex kills en route.
Charging into the fray, they used power maces to stun the largest of the survivors, and then cracked even the thickest exoskeletons with their heavy thunder hammers. Brontos took the same approach to shatter the Dread Mob of Big Mek Dakkahorn and the Wraith Host of Yme-Loc. Some Kill Teams accomplish such unalloyed success against their chosen foes that their ways of war are taught in every watch fortress. Codified as Furor tactics, their techniques involved the delivery of explosive firepower across a wide frontage. By concentrating on the tightly packed throng at the fore, Squad Veridium aimed each detonation to cause maximum collateral damage, sowing the field with dismembered corpses that slowed those elements behind. Purgatus tactics were developed by Librarian del Athyu, sworn enemy of Craftworld Ulthwé. They involve the concentration of utmost force upon the leaders of the alien hordes.
It was then that the killing shot was punched home, leaving the enemy host leaderless whilst the greater conquest began. Since that day hundreds of alien warlords have been executed with these same tactics, their invasions brought low before they could claim a single world. Venator tactics were perfected after fighting the all-female pirates of Wych Cult Sybilla. When the enemy struck back by surrounding them, the Khan brought in the rest of his Kill Team. Equipped with comprehensive data concerning their targets, the Kill Team filled the air with so 18 AQUILA KILL TEAMS FUROR KILL TEAM When the Deathwatch face unknown foes, or the threat requires a measured and strategically versatile response, they deploy Aquila Kill Teams.
In many ways, these Kill Teams are a microcosm of the Deathwatch itself, for they comprise battlebrothers drawn from multiple Chapters, each bringing their own specialised tactics and favoured armaments to strengthen the team as a whole. Rather than specialise in the destruction of particular xenos species or strategic assets, Aquila Kill Teams are generalist squads whose strength lies in their capacity to adapt swiftly and decisively to new battlefield challenges as they arise. As such, their battle-brothers typically carry a wide spread of both ranged and close-combat armaments that allow them to engage varied enemies across all manner of battlefields.
When a single Kill Team must be despatched to investigate potential dangers, it will most often be an Aquila Kill Team that is chosen, specifically for its ability to handle any threat. Furor Kill Teams are swarm-slayers, pure and simple. Where vast hordes of Orks stampede towards the Imperial battle line, or surging Tyranid swarms darken the land with their numbers, there the Furor Kill Teams are deployed. In the first instance, Furor Kill Teams place an emphasis upon ranged weaponry, ideally those firearms that generate an overwhelming hail of shots, or those whose rounds burst in clouds of shrapnel or bio-acids, the better to scythe down rank upon rank of lightly armoured targets. Frag cannons, Infernus heavy bolters and the like are often found in Furor Kill Teams, allowing the Deathwatch to mow their enemies down right up until the inevitable moment that the enraged alien survivors push their charge home.
VENATOR KILL TEAM PURGATUS KILL TEAM Venator Kill Teams specialise in combating those xenos threats who have the speed to run rings around their slower brethren. Space Marine Bikers are much in evidence amongst Venator Kill Teams, their role to use their speed and hitting power in swift, punishing strikes designed to cripple and slow their victims. While the bikers engage and surround the xenos, the remainder of the Kill Team prepares to strike. Typically heavily armed Veterans, often clad predominately in Terminator armour, these warriors utilise predictive firing solutions and expert timing to unleash their arsenal upon the enemy at the optimum moment.
No matter how fast and agile the target, it takes only a single blow from a Venator Kill Team to bring its rampage to a bloody end. Cut off the head, and the body will die. One of the most ancient strategic axioms in Human history, it holds as true amidst the darkness of the 41st Millennium as it ever has. This is the role of the Purgatus Kill Team, and it is a task they are well equipped to perform. With a mixture of overwhelming firepower and punishing close-combat weaponry, the Kill Team scythe down any bodyguards that may stand in their way before surrounding their victim with a forest of crackling power blades. Augmented by the psychic powers of the Librarian, the battle-brothers swiftly identify, engage and neutralise their target, ensuring that his demise is as bloody and visible as possible so as to spread the greatest amount of terror and confusion amongst the enemy ranks.
MALLEUS KILL TEAM DOMINATUS KILL TEAM Malleus Kill Teams are monster slayers and tank killers. They are fearless heroes who stand unyielding before the towering abominations and deviant war engines of the xenos menace. In order to best perform this role, Malleus Kill Teams make great use of the heaviest man-portable assault weaponry available. They also look to their own defence — typically deploying with a number of battle-brothers protected by Terminator armour and storm shields, for the enemies they fight can crush even a Space Marine to bloody pulp.
The Malleus Kill Teams return the favour, however, for their heavy thunder hammers and lethal power weapons make a mockery of the thickest chitin and xenoform armour. Their target selected, Malleus Kill Teams attack with absolute focus and relentless ferocity. Firing pointblank volleys of melta and plasma energy into their victims, the Malleus battle-brothers blast and batter at their chosen target until it is reduced to smouldering ruin. Many xenos species have elite warriors that they can deploy to the most crucial battlefronts. From the arrogant and deadly Incubi of the Drukhari to the lethally focussed Necron Immortals, each specialist force is its own unique threat. It is the role of the Dominatus Kill Team to study each and every one of these enemies, to understand how to counter their strengths and how to exploit their weaknesses. Dominatus battle-brothers accordingly change their armaments with great regularity, equipping themselves before each mission with the optimised weaponry for the foe they face.
Deathwatch shotguns and inferno pistols are deployed to deliver point-blank kill shots, while heavy thunder hammers and power fists ensure each blow struck is the last one needed. Meanwhile, the finest duellists in the Kill Team carry thrumming power swords, the better to match their enemies blade-to-blade and prove their mastery with every decapitation and impalement. Amongst those that have stayed true are numerous Chapters that the Deathwatch has come to rely on, several ancient and storied First Founding Chapters amongst them.
BLOOD ANGELS CRIMSON FISTS The sons of Sanguinius are experts in the use of masterpiece weapons and the launching of army-shattering assaults. Their Vanguard Veterans are an inspiring sight in the ranks of the Deathwatch. RAVEN GUARD HOWLING GRIFFONS Stealth experts and ambushers without equal, the Raven Guard follow the shadowed path of their Primarch Corax, bringing their strategic mastery and impeccable sense of timing to the fray. The heraldry of the Howling Griffons is a familiar sight to most Watch Captains. Successors of the Ultramarines, their valour is well known, as is their dedication to duty. They are excellent craftsmen all, both within the sphere of war and without. Hailing from the primeval world of Cretacia, Flesh Tearers are aggressive combat specialists famous for their devastating assaults. With chainsword and combat knife they carve apart the alien foe. SPACE WOLVES SILVER SKULLS The Space Wolves are renowned for ferocity, courage and a hot-blooded approach to warfare.
They are masters of the hunt, upholding the savage honour of Leman Russ in every Kill Team they join. Unconventional in their approach to strategy, the Silver Skulls place great stock in portents and omens — their mystical insights have proven a powerful tool in the war against the xenos threat. They always bring steely tenacity to the Kill Teams they join. Masters of siegecraft, they are often the castellans and garrison sergeants of the Long Vigil. Paragons of the Adeptus Astartes, the warriors of Ultramar cleave to the Codex Astartes penned by their Primarch, Roboute Guilliman. It has won them the laurels of victory in wars beyond counting. It was never meant to be. One does not forge a blade without fierce heat and violence, after all. The Dark Angels Chapter has a tempestuous history that saw their home world destroyed.
BRAZEN CLAWS MINOTAURS Once engaged, these successors of the Iron Hands will fight on without doubt or remorse, ignoring the most grievous wounds in order to win victory — even should it cost them their lives. The Minotaurs are a bombastic Chapter that uses thunderous violence whenever possible. Headstrong and bold, they are masters of the shock assault, rejoicing in the spectacle of war they cause. This experience of patient observation makes them ideally suited to scouting roles in the Deathwatch. Recruited from the horsemaster tribes of Chogoris, the White Scars have a born affinity with mounted warfare. They carry the proud warrior tradition of Jaghatai Khan into the ranks of the Deathwatch. KNIGHTS OF THE RAVEN IRON HANDS Since coming to blows with the Aurora Chapter, this Raven Guard successor Chapter has sought to atone by fighting the encroaching Tyranids in every way it can.
The sons of Ferrus Manus have always held metal as superior to flesh, and the Deathwatch has long felt the advantage of the clinical precision these masters of mechanised warfare bring to the fight against the xenos. Those in the Deathwatch often take skull trophies from the aliens they kill. A successor Chapter to the Imperial Fists, the Black Templars are on a permanent crusade against the enemies of Mankind. Their religious fervour is infectious, bolstering morale wherever they fight. Each spaceborne watch fortress is the sovereign domain of its Watch Commander, on whose authority entire sectors of space are put to the torch and species annihilated before they can ever trouble the wider Imperium. Each watch fortress stands sentinel over its own assigned region, from Prescience in the far galactic south, ever ready to respond to the encroachments of Hive Fleet Leviathan, to Fort Pykman and its tireless vigil over the horrifying Ghoul Stars.
Some fortresses are garrisoned by just a handful of heroic battle-brothers, while others are huge fortifications that play host to multiple Watch Companies. Since the Great Rift tore the Imperium in two, some watch fortresses have been cut off in the Imperium Nihilus, while others have been engulfed in the fury of daemonic incursions and empyric turmoil. The Watch Masters of these fortresses have not despaired, instead exploiting every advantage they can with ruthless efficiency to ensure their Long Vigil continues. Now, as the Great Rift ravages the galaxy, the stakes of that battle have never been higher. M32 THE AGE OF THE SHIELD RAISED A New Order After the Ork tyrant known as the Beast nearly conquers Terra itself, the High Lords oversee the creation of an alien-hunting task force.
So the seeds of the Deathwatch are sown. They find the fortress better defended than they expect, for though it is small, it houses only Venator Kill Teams. Hundreds of Aeldari raiders are slain before the last of them chance upon the chamber — only to find it empty. The Hammer of the Deathwatch The Prognosticators of the Grey Knights detect a coming warp breach in the Endasch Sub-sector. Unable to reach Endasch in time, the Grey Knights send an astropathic pulse to the Deathwatch. A dozen Kill Teams reach Endasch, slaying one of the Ork warlords and his retinue using only thunder hammers, power mauls and fists. Bludgeoning the enemy to death with crushing weapons proves no mean feat, and it costs the Kill Teams a full half of their number. Yet by limiting the blood spilt, the Deathwatch prevent the warp breach from ever happening. The surviving Ork warlord leads a greenskin crusade out of the subsector.
A week later, augur beacons trace the Ork crusade into the Eye of Terror, and the matter is considered resolved. A Deadly Jest Through manipulation, trickery and a series of precisely executed hit-and-run attacks, a band of Aeldari Harlequins brings the Shantoria System to the brink of a civil war. Their activities are bloodily curtailed when Kill Teams out of Fort Prescience cut the xenos off from their webway portal and slaughter them. Bane of the Sslyth The Slaanesh-worshipping Sslyth of the Vensine Sector are attacked in their nests when Kill Team Decurius descends to save the world from a truly disgusting fate. They retreat to a safe distance, monitoring the simian aliens that clamber upon their star-frame as it slowly spins out of the cosmos into the cold void.
Yddylia in Flames Purge of the Ur-Ghuls An Ur-Ghul migration spills from the thrice-cursed ziggurats of Shaa-dom. It flows into the nightmarish Shardmaze, and from there to the Mirrored Palace of Plenitia. When the gangling predators prove strong enough to tear apart the Kill Team that hunts them, the Dreadnought Xenomortis is sent to reinforce its battlebrothers. Months later, the war machine storms from the ruins of the now empty Mirrored Palace, every inch of its hull covered in Ur-Ghul blood. M THE AGE OF THE SHIELD SHIVERED After a string of punitive strikes from Craftworld Biel-Tan against the Garravissima Sub-sector prove impossible to stop, the Deathwatch of Fort Ajax give up the chase. Taking every flamer weapon they can muster, they instead descend to the maiden world of Yddylia at the height of summer and — in conjunction with a firestorm barrage — set swathes of the world aflame. The Exodites of the planet fight hard to repel them, but the Deathwatch stay one step ahead.
Drawn by the psychic distress calls of their kindred, Craftworld Biel-Tan appears in the night sky. Within a week, the Autarch of the attacking warhost is killed by a kraken bolt to the head. The Ghosar Quintus Anomaly Chaplain Ortan Cassius leads an Aquila Kill Team to the backwater mining world of Ghosar Quintus, only to find an alien infestation spread not only throughout the planet, but the Segmentum — and possibly beyond. Amidst the Snows of Atrophon The Kryptman Gambit When the world of Atrophon faces devastation by the Orks of Waaagh!
Dregsmasha, a small Kill Team is sent to assassinate the Big Mek leading the war. A misdrop leaves the team on the wrong side of a storm-swollen river, caught in the teeth of a ferocious blizzard, with greenskins closing fast. The heroics that follow are After seeing the destruction meted out by Hive Fleet Leviathan across a wide frontage of Imperial space, Inquisitor Kryptman orders a cordon of worlds in its path laid barren or actively destroyed to starve the Tyranids of sustenance. This drastic measure sees Kryptman excommunicated, with many calling for the death sentence. The gambit is vindicated when the hive fleet follows the psychic spoor of its Genestealers into the biomass-rich Ork empire, buying the Imperium time to regroup as xenos fights xenos across the sector. Crown of the Beast Whilst on a destabilisation raid to the war-torn Empire of Octaria, the Kill Teams of the Eye of Octos witness a Mekaniak invention that disrupts the synaptic control linking Tyranid organisms.
Appearing much like a crown of electricity, it is used by the self-appointed King Mek Baddkrasha to break swarm after swarm. The Kill Teams wait for the two xenos armies to decimate each other before diving in, their Furor teams cutting through to Baddkrasha before escaping with his decapitated head — crown and all — for further study. mercenary Kroot tribes he has hired to protect himself. Extractio Extremis Through their Rogue Trader contacts, the Deathwatch are alerted to the presence of a Space Marine Captain in the blood sport arenas of Commorragh. Kill Team Aldric, after seeking the wisdom of the Salamanders 1st Company, finds a method of entering the webway. By smuggling their Corvus Blackstar within the damaged hull of a corsair starship, they enter the Dark City. Though it costs the lives of all bar Aldric himself, the gladiator captain is freed in time to catch the corsair ship as it leaves, still unaware of its Imperial cargo.
The Deathwatch sent to investigate find the system rife with undeath, both mechanical and biological. The Great Usurper On the island world of Tharsis Prime, a Lacrymole shapeshifter poses as the paranoid planetary governor, Icos Blaille. Deathwatch forces finally put him down after a gruelling war with the Contact Lost A seven-man Kill Team deploys to Masuchi Parr, there to investigate reports of the Genestealer Cult known as the Blessed Wyrmlings. Yet their numbers prove too few and, though they heap the corridors with xenophile corpses, they are eventually overrun. Theirs is but one story of tragic loss during this desperate time, when the Deathwatch are strained to their limits and beyond. Meanwhile, the Necrons of Icnarus push towards the Gothic Sector, while Hrud infestations are discovered throughout the Kuypax Reach. They are far from the only Deathwatch enclave to find themselves in such dire straits. The Thief Inquisitor When Inquisitor Gao of the Ordo Xenos brings a Necrontyr datacane with him to Fort Volossia, he unwittingly seeds its demise.
The Necron Overlord Zhanatar the Vengeful descends upon the watch fortress at the head of a hundred Night Scythes. He brings overwhelming force against the Deathwatch garrison before disappearing, with datacane in hand, taking Inquisitor Gao — now trapped within a tesseract labyrinth — with him as a cautionary lesson. Astra Militarum troopers. The Deathwatch are defeated, and the Nostrosi expansions continue. Damnos Revisited The Greatest Need The Ultramarines suffer one of their most catastrophic defeats when the Necrons of Damnos awaken and drive them off-world. A full half of the Chapter return to exact vengeance, led by Lord Marneus Calgar and Captain Cato Sicarius.
With war opened on every front and their enemies multiplying faster than they can be slain, many Space Marine Chapters demand the return of their Deathwatch brethren. Some Watch Masters comply, though they do so with heavy hearts. Others refuse, respond with demands for fresh reinforcement, or simply ignore the requests entirely. Relations with several of the more insistent Chapters become dangerously strained. The Crystal Sands of Coheria The Enclaves Struck With Commander Farsight and his subordinates joining the war for Agrellan, the Deathwatch make an opportunistic attack on the Farsight Enclaves. Nostros Overrun The Ork hordes of Jagga sweep through the Nostros Cluster, overrunning several systems and slaughtering billions of On the crystal moon of Coheria, Farseer Eldrad Ulthran attempts to raise an Aeldari deity.
Stormbreak After Abaddon the Despoiler crushes Cadia, a series of catastrophes ensue and the Great Rift roars into being across the galaxy. The Imperium is split in two, stranding many watch fortresses alone in the darkness of the Imperium Nihilus. M41 THE AGE OF THE SHIELD RENEWED Teams, together bringing the fast-moving foe to battle. He presides over the Ultima Founding, wherein the slumbering Primaris Space Marines are awoken and sent to join the war against Chaos. The Weapons of Wisdom Independently reaching the same conclusions, the Watch Masters of Talasa Prime, Fort Pykman, the Eye of Damocles and more send out Kill Teams to every neighbouring Imperial world they can reach.
These specialists share their alien-fighting skills, training planetary garrisons and local response forces in anti-xenos doctrines. So is the thin black line bolstered amidst the turmoil of the Imperium Nihilus. Amidst this maelstrom, the Kill Teams of the Eye of Damocles reap a great tally from the xenos forces. They combine spearhead strikes from Inceptors with gunshipmounted Purgatus Kill Teams to eliminate alien command structures and leave their forces floundering, leaderless amidst the swirling carnage. Beast Hunt After the swarms of Hive Fleet Behemoth overrun the bastion worlds of Neotharsis, Watcher Keep sends its companies to end the threat.
Going into battle against the vast terrors of the Court of the Nephilim King, the Malleus and Purgatus Kill Teams find allies in lances of House Griffith Knights. The two Imperial forces meld their expertise in monster hunting, laying low entire broods of Carnifexes, Tyrranofexes and even bio-titans. They blunt the Tyranid advance long enough for fresh Imperial forces to join the fray. The Scattered Leviathan In the wake of the Battle of Baal, splinters of Hive Fleet Leviathan are scattered by churning warp rifts to emerge at random throughout the Imperium. Deathwatch forces race to counter these incursions before they can gather momentum. During the battles that ensue, Deathwatch Apothecaries note that the physiology of the Tyranids appears wholly unchanged despite their transit through the mutating energies of the warp.
Regiments of Mordian Iron Guard deployed to fight them become wizened ancients within hours, and even a strike force of the Sons of Medusa is lost, overwhelmed by entropy. Two Watch Companies from Keep Extremis join the fight. They are accompanied by a mighty spearhead of no less than eight Dreadnoughts. Recovered from the field of victory, the Dreadnoughts are found to be rusted, inert, silent. Inside their sarcophagi, their biological remains are gone, reduced to nothing but dust. Radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Balphus Bail uses cannibalised xenotech to navigate the storms of the Dark Imperium safely.
Watch Captain Holgjar Ironfang receives reinforcement in the form of Fortis Kill Team Pharanos. Untrusting — even scornful — of the untested Primaris battle-brothers, Holgjar inflicts a series of ignominious duties upon them while reserving the more glorious missions for his Venator and Purgatus Kill Teams. The Watch Captain learns the error of his ways when Kill Team Pharanos ride to the rescue of Holgjar and his overrun brothers during the Battle of Black Gulch, driving back the greenskin swarms long enough for the Watch Company to withdraw. In the wake of the catastrophe, Holgjar undertakes a decade of voluntary penance for his errors, serving as a battle-brother beneath the newly promoted Watch Captain Pharanos. The Onyx Patrol range out to the edge of the Segmentum Solar and beyond as they chase down xenos raiders. The battle turns back in their favour when a mighty force of Primaris Space Marines, freshly armoured in the black of the Deathwatch, arrives direct from the Indomitus Crusade to join the fight.
Yet rather than repatriate these battle-brothers fully, they send them back still clad in the raiment of the Deathwatch and still serving their Long Vigil. This act of compromise sees the returned brothers fight alongside their Chapters once more, but in the capacity of strategic anti-xenos advisors without equal. Blades of the Storm In a series of brutal and expertly orchestrated uprisings, cells from the Cult of the Four-armed Emperor seize control of the Shambarac System. However, a sudden convulsion of the Great Rift sees the system cut off by a ferocious warp storm, and it is then that the Deathwatch strike.
As the storm passes, so too do the Deathwatch, leaving conventional Imperial forces to descend upon the leaderless rebels and slaughter them wholesale. Driven before its fury, warring Kroot and Ork migrations crash into the neighbouring Imperial planets and trigger several bloody wars. The Kill Teams of Keep Extremis are stretched perilously thin as they attempt to respond to one new threat after another. A Pale Imitation When a spur of the webway suddenly tears open, it spills waves of Donorian Fiends across the industrial world of Paragon III, shadowed by Drukhari raiding bands that prey upon the chaos.
He is forcibly extracted by Aquila Kill Team Sayax, who drag him in chains to Fort Obsidus to face trial. Hate the Alien When the Imperial world of Astraghala comes under attack from traitor forces, a host of Ynnari sweeps down to assist the beleaguered planetary garrison. A Watch Company from Fort Pykman also joins the battle but — isolated from news of potential alliances by the darkness of the Imperium Nihilus — it transpires that they have come to butcher what they see as xenos invaders. The Doom of Starshield The Watch Companies of Fort Starshield complete several textbook extermination missions against xenos warships that surge into the Kadus Sector from the galactic west. The Deathwatch note that each battle was made easier by the condition of their foes, whose craft evidence severe battle damage and whose crews seem panicked, even frantic.
Realising that these invaders must, themselves, be fleeing some other, greater peril, Watch Master Valesnus requests urgent reinforcement. Deep-void auspicator buoys go dark one by one; their picters send back last, blurry images of Ork warships beyond number filling the starfield. Recognising that his forces are impossibly outmatched, Watch Master Valesnus girds his warriors for a selfless strike against whatever mighty warlord rules this space-borne Waaagh!. Months later, the requested reinforcements reach the location of Fort Starshield. They find nothing but drifting wreckage, that of dozens of Ork ships and of Fort Starshield itself. The towering war engines use their phenomenal firepower to break open the interlocking networks of Imperial redoubts. In response, the Deathwatch deploy Venator and Fortis Kill Teams to Kendashi.
While the swift Venators and Deathwatch Bikers draw the fire of the Stormsurge gunners, the Fortis Kill Teams close in aboard their Repulsor tanks. The gravwaves generated by the hulking tanks shatter the ice fields with their ferocity, sending massive cracks radiating outward. The Impossible Foe Watch Fortress Prescience despatches Kill Teams to the aid of the forge world of Tymatros Aleph. Sweeping down from orbit, the Deathwatch join the fight against Necron forces that have infiltrated the 27 world by some undetermined means. Watch Captain Ijasos quickly realises something is amiss when fresh waves of Necrons join the fight, and sends out a force to locate the portal or gateway from which the Necrons are deploying. Deep beneath the Templum Primactis, the Deathwatch discover something far worse — a tomb complex hidden beneath the surface of the forge world itself.
This devastating discovery is just the first in a sudden upsurge of Necron attacks against Adeptus Mechanicus forge worlds and the holdings of knightly houses. Requests for aid flood in to every watch fortress as the scions of the Omnissiah find their worlds beset by self-healing metallic foes that strike with terrifying coordination and speed. Kill Teams mobilise across every Segmentum, racing to provide what aid they can against this growing threat. Bringers of Enlightenment Far-ranging patrols from Castilos Nullifact find evidence of a mobile Genestealer Cult travelling between fringe worlds aboard a fleet of ships and posing as Rogue Traders. They set off on the trail of the so-called Bringers of Enraptured Joy, fighting several battles against the monstrously corrupted settlements the xenos-worshippers have seeded in their wake.
Forbidden Lore After master Haemonculus Xelxyx the Shriveller captures several Primaris Space Marines, Fortis Kill Team Ultraen is sent to rescue the luckless specimens. Knowing that they cannot allow such genetic lore to fall into the hands of the Drukhari, Kill Team Ultraen sacrifice themselves by triggering the extrophic viral warhead they have brought with them. The results are hideous, but decisive. Time Runs Out… Vermillion-level alerts reach the Doombreak, Eye of Octos and Furor Shield watch fortresses as the unthinkable happens. Triggered by empyric shock waves from the opening of the Great Rift, swarms of enormous Tyranids and hordes of hulking Skarboyz break away from the Octarian war to attack neighbouring systems. The Watch Masters of all three fortresses request urgent reinforcement from the wider Imperium, before surging into battle.
The Tyranid hive fleets present one of the most profound xenos threats the Imperium has faced throughout its lifespan. WATCH MASTERS Watch Masters Watch Masters are the foremost xenos hunters in the galaxy. They are counted as heroes even amongst the highest echelons of the Adeptus Astartes, for these men have tested their mettle against a hundred species of aliens and emerged triumphant. They have such intense charisma and ability that within the Deathwatch their every word is law. Their mission is to ensure the survival of the human race, and it not one they take lightly. No less a body than the High Lords of Terra has been known to seek their counsel — for in the business of laying low the alien, the Watch Masters are without equal.
Though they theoretically return to their original Chapter once their duties are discharged, Watch Masters usually prove so vital they are never allowed to leave their post. Often, Watch Masters shoulder their duties alone, seeking the solace of pure thought in long periods of solitude. Yet their actions send ripples throughout history, almost always for the betterment of the Imperium. I am the burning brand that banishes the shadows, the shield that holds the monsters at bay and the sword that pierces their foul black hearts.
I am oath, duty, victory. I am the Deathwatch, and my vigil shall never end. On a strategic level, the Watch Masters work ceaselessly to outwit and outmanoeuvre the warlords of the alien races, to stymie invasions before they occur, to bring ascendant dynasties to their knees, and to wipe out parasitic species that would otherwise infest great swathes of Imperial space. It speaks to their quality that they can actually achieve such goals in practice. Knowledge is power, after all, and they use it well. When the Watch Masters take the field, their centuries of experience are focussed to a deadly point, a weapon specifically made for the task of slaying xenos bioforms. Wisdom is far from their only tool. They go to war girded in the finest Imperial war-tech, the artefacts they bear so precious they would make a Technomagos weep oily tears of envy.
When a Watch Master joins the fight on the front line, he cuts down his foes with a cold precision that leaves monsters and tyrants slain in his wake. Yet where ceramite and even adamantium may fail, a mind trained in the psychic arts can stand firm. The Tyranid hive fleets manifest a strange psychic shadow that drives warp-sensitive minds insane, and their vanguard organisms use hypnotic powers to influence or even take over the worlds they infect. Even the gross savages of the Ork race harbour deviant genetic strains that can vomit gouts of green flame or fire crackling beams of energy from their madly staring eyes.
Though an almost limitless source of power, the warp is a turbulent and terrible dimension inhabited by the malign Daemons of the Chaos Gods. Against these foes the Deathwatch sends its Librarians. These warrior mystics wear psychic hoods that focus their prodigious mental might and wield force swords that channel powerful destructive energies against xenos monstrosities. For all these reasons, Librarians must be tested and trained to the very limits of their endurance. Their minds must be fortified by a will of adamant, their spirits girded with hate and contempt.
Those who survive number amongst the most powerful, lethal and utterly iron-willed warriors of the Deathwatch, capable of facing down hordes of inhuman horrors without wavering. Before they reach the ranks of the Deathwatch, Librarian battlebrothers face some of the most gruelling training regimes of any Adeptus Astartes warriors. So cruel are these tests of mental and physical endurance that some aspirants do not survive. Yet it can be no other way. Psykers draw their unnatural powers from the warp, that hellish other-realm that lurks behind the skin of the material Certain Space Marine Chapters have a tendency towards a greater proportion of psychic battle-brothers.
Thus the Deathwatch numbers more Librarians from the Blood Angels, the Blood Ravens and the Solar Hawks than any other Chapters amongst its ranks. Their powers are volatile, and sometimes unsettling, but always a potent weapon against the foul machinations of the alien hordes. THE LIBRARIUM All but the smallest watch fortresses have a Librarium concealed deep behind their armoured walls. These quiet sanctums are the domains of the Librarians, and repositories of lore concerning the psychic capabilities and vulnerabilities of the alien.
From the strange spirit harvesting of the Ynnari to the mind-control powers of the Enslavers, from the Barghesi to the belligerent and terrifying Ambull, the scrolls and tomes of the Librarius can forewarn and forearm the Deathwatch before they go to war. The forms of the xenos are beyond counting, and no few of these abominations are supernatural. The Chaplains of the Deathwatch provide this in limitless supply. Their fiery rhetoric steels the souls of their battle-brothers and fills those nearby with a desire to wreak violent vengeance. When battle is joined, the Chaplain roars praise to the Emperor as he charges headlong into seemingly unwinnable fights. He smites the vile aliens that stand before him, smashing them into the dirt one after another, his crozius arcanum crackling with blue light and his rosarius warding away the blades of the enemy like the hand of the Emperor himself.
Even those warriors whose souls are tired and bodies are broken find themselves invigorated as the fog of doubt is burned away, and the path to victory made clear once more. No matter how hideous and unnatural the xenos foe, the presence of such a redoubtable servant of the Emperor fills loyal Imperial hearts with fire. CHAPLAIN ORTAN CASSIUS Chaplain Cassius is exceptional even amongst the ranks of the Ultramarines. After learning many horrible truths about the nature of the xenos menace during his tenure in the Deathwatch, he was discharged with full honours. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! Search the history of over billion web pages on the Internet.
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Publication date Topics Games Workshop , Warhammer 40 , Collection opensource Language English. Inside this page hardback codex, you'll find everything you need to unleash the Deathwatch in battle, plus thrilling lore and art to inspire your own collection. Inside this book, you'll find: - The history of the Deathwatch, with a look at how they guard the Imperium against every alien threat — from without and within - A Deathwatch bestiary with background details for every unit and Character featured - A showcase of stunningly painted Citadel miniatures - Rules for Space Marines units that are uniquely available to the Deathwatch - Rules for fielding mixed units and Kill Teams with different specialisations - Stratagems, Warlord Traits, the bespoke Xenopurge psychic discipline, Relics of the Deathwatch, and optional secondary objectives that define the ways that the Deathwatch wage war - Bespoke Crusade rules providing new Agendas, Requisitions, Battle Traits, Honorifics, and Crusade Relics that are unique to the Deathwatch - And more!
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Hailing from the primeval world of Cretacia, Flesh Tearers are aggressive combat specialists famous for their devastating assaults. With chainsword and combat knife they carve apart the alien foe. It incorporates an deathwatch codex 8th edition pdf download reactor, for its teleport nodes and complex weapon systems would soon burn out a conventional power source. Featured All Images This Just In Flickr Commons Occupy Wall Street Flickr Cover Art USGS Maps. Only a gifted Techmarine can perform the lengthy rituals that bind the suit to its wearer, and as such many 1st Company Veterans tithed to the Deathwatch will keep the armour they earned in their former life. Thus the Deathwatch numbers more Librarians from the Blood Angels, deathwatch codex 8th edition pdf download, the Blood Ravens and the Solar Hawks than any other Chapters amongst its ranks. There can be no tolerance, no compromise, no peace with such animals.
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